When printing your photos you can choose to crop your photos or print the entire image to fit

We’ve all been there. The shot looked great on your camera’s LCD and on the computer, but when you get the prints back, the subject isn’t cropped right. What a hassle!

Things were simple with 35mm film photography; in digital, camera manufacturers have adopted a variety of sensors in different shapes. When printed at traditional sizes, these images can be poorly cropped or have a white stripe on the sides. The common dimension is a 4:3 ratio, like an HD TV; traditional print areas are either a bit too wide on one side or too long on the other.

Here are a few tips to get perfect prints the first time.

  • When snapping a photo, make certain important subject is not close to the bottom, top, or sides of the frame.
  • Resist the urge to zoom very close on your subject, especially kid pictures. This gives you the flexibility to try different compositions when uploading your picture to MailPix. Sometimes a picture can improved with different cropping; if your subject is too close, you won’t have room to crop. Sometimes an average picture in 4×6 size can look incredible as an 8×10.
  • Look for a print size conforming exactly to your image size, which can typically be 4×5., 4.5×6, or 6×8. MailPix also offers Instagram-format prints!
  • In many digital cameras, you can set the format to correspond to print sizes, like 4×6, if you know ahead of time you will only be using that size.

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