Wall Decor

Print your photo on an 11x14 framed canvas, ready in 1 Hour at CVS

Framed Canvas

As low as $69.99 ea.

Sturdy board prints, your photos printed on modern thick board with rounded edges

Board Prints

As low as $16.99 ea.

Floating Framed Print

Floating Frame Print

As low as $34.99 ea.

Bamboo Photo Panels

Bamboo Photo Panels

As low as $39.99 ea.

Acrylic Photo Panel

Acrylic Panel

As low as $39.99 ea.

Photo Panel wall art

Mounted Photos

As low as $9.96 ea.

Mounted Photo Prints

Mounted Photo Panels

As low as $9.99 ea.

Photos on Canvas

Photos on Canvas

As low as $29.99 ea.

Custom printed wall decor is the perfect way to fill your walls with memories that will last a lifetime. With 1 hour photo app, you can quickly create your own wall art and have it ready for pick up in as little as 1 hour. Choose from photos on canvas, photo panels, wall tiles, framed prints and more to create a unique piece of art that you will cherish forever. Whether you are looking for something special to commemorate an important event, just want to spruce up your living space or surprise someone with a personalized gift, custom printed wall decor is the perfect solution.