Photo greeting cards are becoming more popular every year. And no wonder! Today’s digital cameras, camera phones and software can make getting the perfect shot super easy; match that with the incredible array of card styles available at MailPix and you’ll send cards worthy of sticking to a fridge door!
Here’s some tips to make that annual family portrait more memorable:
A thousand words in a snap – Do you get long “brag” letters from family but don’t have time to do your own? Use the portrait to tell your family’s story for the year. Did your daughter make the soccer team? Put her in uniform, Get a new pet? Have someone hold it. Did dad take a cooking class? Wear a chef’s hat. Go on vacation? Include a souvenir or memento. Let the creative juices flow!
Plan ahead – If getting the family together for a portrait in time for the holiday photos is too difficult, reduce stress by planning ahead. If you go on vacation or even a long weekend, plan to take a family portrait for use as your holiday greeting card picture. (If you forgot this year, no worries. MailPix makes it easy to find family pictures on Facebook to use.)
A little distance – You don’t always have to have a busy background; simpler can be better. Pose the group, however, good three or four feet from the wall, and take the picture from about six to eight feet away. This will keep looming shadows from appearing above their heads.
Trip the light fantastic – If your flash is adjustable, point it at the ceiling to “bounce” the light. This makes a more flattering photo. If your flash is built-in on the side of the camera, you can still “bounce” the flash’s light by using a white Post-It Note. (Use white, not yellow, to avoid an yellowish cast.) Just stick the note underneath the flash, with the flap angled upwards. Make sure you don’t cover the lens!